Child Neurology
Evaluation of
Child Neurology
Neurological injury and mental status changes are common sequela following trauma. Evaluation more dependent on observations vs typical ridged series of testing Key elements of Evaluation should include Cognitive Mental Status, Cranial nerves, Motor and Sensory function, Reflexes Cognitive Mental Status – Less than 1 year and 5 years Childs evaluation are : Eye Opening such for verbal command, To Pain. Motor Response such as Obeys, Localizes Pain, Flexion-withdrawal, Flexion abnormal. Verbal Response such as Oriented, Disoriented, Inappropriate words, Incomprehensible sounds and No responses. Cranial Nerves – Minimal Adaptation for the school age or older child, Information through observation Motor Function – Assessment of Movement, Muscle Tone and Strength, Sensory Function – Difficult to complete, Awareness of responses to stimulation and Standard Testing Unreliable, Reflexes – Deep Tendon reflexes, Superficial Reflexes
Examining the medicolegal factors in Child Neurology
The legal aspects of treating children with neurological disorders can be equally as challenging, and require an understanding of the laws and regulations surrounding medical care for minors.
Questions may arise as to whether a child is competent to provide informed consent for treatment, or whether a parent or guardian has the authority to grant or deny treatment.