Workers Compensation

It aims at providing financial protection to workmen and their dependents in case of accidental injury by means of payment of compensation by the employer.

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Workers Compensation Scenario

Worker’s Compensation ensures medical care and compensation to workers who are injured on their job. The employer, through their Workers’ Compensation insurance carrier, must pay for all “necessary first aid, medical, surgical and hospital services incurred, limited, however, to that which is reasonably required to cure or relieve from the effects of the accidental injury.”

Each state administers its own workers compensation plan. Then, the coverage will vary from state to state. The injured worker has a legal duty to properly and timely inform his employer under the worker’s compensation scheme. It is very important that to notify the employer and have a proof of that. They are Scheduled Injury and Unscheduled Injury. Scheduled Injury is Losing the certain parts of the body, Example is Losing the Finger. Unscheduled Injury is the high weakening impact of health, Example is Back Injuries, Shoulder Injuries.

Workers Compensation Lawsuit

Scope of Worker's Compensation

Workers compensation

Understanding the Key Participants

Medical Providers

Emergency Medicine, Referred Specialists, Therapists

Insurance Company

Loss Control Representative, Worker's Compensation Claims Manager

Injured Employee

Plaintiff - Injured and expecting recovery from the employer

Legal Services

Private Counsel, Administrative Law Judges and Others


Worker's Compensation Claims Manager, Supervisor, Company Prinicipal

Medical Expenses

Compensate for employee’s medical expenses

Lost Wages

Compensate the employees for lost wages


Compensate for the disability you have due to the injury


Bound to compensate by his employer who is liable to offer

Disability Types

Temporary Disability

It may be an injury or any health loss which makes the employee to be weaken temporarily. Benefit that covers a portion of the wages while employee recover from an injury and till return to work as per the doctor’s advice.

Permanent Disability

It may be an injury or any health loss which makes the employee to be disabled from earning permanently. Benefit that can be availed based on the medical reports, age and occupation. It requires a form DWC – Division of Worker’s compensation.