Colon Cancer

Evaluation of
Colon Cancer

More than 95% of colon and rectal cancers are adenocarcinomas (cancers that start in cells that produce and leak mucus and other fluids). These cells line the interior of the rectum and colon. There are multiple layers of tissue in each segment of the colon. The inner layer is where cancer starts, and it can spread through one or more tissue layers. Different signs of colon cancer depending on where it first develops.

Examining the medicolegal factors of Colon Cancer

It is equally important for attorneys to have a deep understanding of the intricacies of colon cancer diagnosis and treatment, so that they can handle medical errors and the causes of the cases effectively. Only by working together can everyone involved ensure that patients receive the best possible care.

Examining inside the colon: A long, flexible, and thin tube connected to a camera and monitor allows a colonoscopy to see your whole colon and rectum. The physician may insert surgical instruments through the tube to take tissue samples (biopsies) for analysis and remove polyps if any questionable regions are discovered.

To know early stage colon cancer surgery: Removing polyps during a colonoscopy (polypectomy),
Endoscopic mucosal resection,
Minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopic surgery).