Special Reports

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A medical chart is an important clinical and judicial record. It has records of every medical occurrence, including illnesses, injuries, tests, diagnoses, and more.
In the Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, and Worker’s Compensation Litigation life cycle, it is an important step. It assists in determining the validity of the claim.

It provides a thorough narrative of everything that has ever happened to the patient throughout history, serving as an essential source of trial. It assists in determining the current health status and recommended treatment options.

Special Reports We Offer
accident timeline sample - medical records review

Accident Timeline

Reporting the accident's events in a concise timeline format. An overview of the accident claim and personal injury case in chronological order, starting with the state of the accident and ending with the settlement and litigation. It includes Date, time, accident cause, involved party, injuries, data on the evidence, medical care, etc.

Treatment Chart Special Reports sample - medical records review

Treatment Chart

Reporting the specific medical details on the patient's wounds, care, and ensuing anguish. It covers pain symptoms, diagnoses, and therapies are provided for the different diagnoses. It can be altered to fit the necessary requirements.

Comparative Chart - medical records review

Comparative Chart

The important information before and after the collision was provided in a tabular format for ease of understanding and cross-reference. Differentiating between the Diagnosis, Medical Conditions, Injuries, and Tests before and after treatment. It details the claimant's functional stage, a list of related diagnoses, medical research, and care received both before and after the injury.

list of injuries sample - medical records review

Injuries List

Reporting of injuries allows for detailed treatment plan analysis for each injury. It offers a chronological list of injuries together with the pertinent, significant information. Date, injuries, area of injuries, treatment plan, and other information are included.

Pain and Suffering Chart Special Reports Sample - medical records review

Pain and Suffering Chart

Analyzing the claimant's pain and suffering as a result of an incident. It's a table that also includes pain consultations, procedures, and their progression, as well as physical therapy interventions and their results. It features. Date, service provider, primary complaints, location of the pain, painkillers used, severity of the pain, prognosis, evaluation, and PDF/Bates reference.

Pain Score Chart Sepcial Reports - medical records review

Pain Score Chart

A table that shows different levels of pain, from mild to extreme, together with their corresponding scoring values is called a pain score chart. Date, Pain Area, Pain Score, Reference Information, and so forth are included.

Pain Graph Special Reports Sample - medical records review

Pain and Medication Graph

It is a graphic representation of a chart that shows the patient's level of pain and suffering as well as the type of medical care they received. Moreover, assist a lawyer in figuring out whether the patient suffered harm from an overdose of painkillers. It contains. In order to convince the defendant or insurance adjuster that the injuries are severe, it may be necessary to relieve pain, inflammation, or other damage symptoms.

Diagnostic Studies Chart Special Reports - Medical Records Review

Diagnostics Chart

Thorough analysis of the injury's cause and diagnosis. By identifying a person's unique regions of vulnerability pertinent to the injuries sustained at the time of the loss, one might evaluate a disorder, sickness, or illness. Date, Study, Provider, Indication, Results, Impression, and Additional Details are all included.