Understanding Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: A Guide for Attorneys

Understanding Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery A Guide for Attorneys


In terms of medicine, plastic and reconstructive surgery is an important specialty, which deals with both corrective and aesthetic aspects of medicine. For attorneys, the different aspects of this specialty should, and will, be important while dealing with a case of medical malpractice, or personal injury claims. The purpose of this article is to present the basic aspects of plastic and reconstructive surgery in relation to its significance for legal practitioners in America.

1. Overview of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

1.1 Definition and Purpose

• Plastic Surgery: Aims to change one’s looks most often through surgical intervention.

• A reconstructive surgery: Surgery done to repair organ damage or restore normal appearance and function after an injury, disease, or birth defect.

1.2 Common Procedures

• Cosmetic Procedures: Rhytidectomy facelift surgery, breast implants, and Tummy Tuck

• Reconstructive Procedures: Post-surgery mastectomy breast reconstruction, cleft lip or palate surgery, skin flap surgery.

2. Key Risks and Complications

2.1 Common Complications

• Infection: Major surgical procedures carry risk of infection.

• Scarring: Depending on the procedure and the way a person heals will dictate scarring.

• Anesthesia Complications: Any side effects suffered during anesthesia.

2.2 Long-term Risks

• Result Dissatisfaction: Impacts capable on one’s mental health.

• Revision surgery pertaining to aesthetic surgery: Some cosmetic surgeries are in nature so called ‘fix it’ surgeries.

3. The Role of Medical Records Review

3.1 Importance for Attorneys

• Evidence Collection: Medical records are the center of malpractice cases.

• Knowing Patient Background: Important for setting up the context of the surgery and possible complications.

3.2 How Medical Records Review Works

  • Data Collection: Gathering all relevant medical documents.
  • Analysis: Evaluating the records for inconsistencies or deviations from standard care.

4.1 Increasing Popularity of Procedures

• Data: The American Society of Plastic Surgeons claims that since the year 2020, there has been an increase of more than 20% in cosmetic procedures done over the year.

• Ethnicity: There are an increasing number of male patients who request cosmetic surgery.

4.2 Advances in Technology

  • Minimally Invasive Techniques: Improved recovery times and reduced risks.
  • 3D Imaging: Enhancing pre-surgical planning and patient satisfaction.

5. Case Studies

5.1 Case Study 1: Breast Augmentation Malpractice

  • Overview: One patient who was augmented in the breast region suffered excessive complications in the process and post the procedure.
  • Challenges: Proving negligence in the surgical actions.
  • Solutions: Informed consent was missing and extensive records had to be studied.
  • Compensation: The patient was compensated for healthcare cost and stress suffered.

5.2 Case Study 2: Cleft Lip Repair

• Overview: A child underwent a cleft lip repair but faced complications leading to additional surgeries.

• Challenges: Establishing the standard of care for a plastic surgery procedure involving a minor.

• Solutions: Expert’s evidence and review of medical records demonstrated that there were mistakes made in the procedure.

• Compensation: Medical expenses and other forms of relief were granted to the family to assist with caring for the child and provide therapy.

6. Conclusion

Attorneys who take on cases related to the surgeries would benefit from understanding the nuances of plastic and reconstructive surgery. Medical records review seems to be an essential tool that legal professionals will use to assist the client and in dealing with the claims of medical malpractice.